Thursday, October 29, 2015

Mark Making Collection 10/27- 11/2

I want my painting to be focused on overhead perspectives of people doing ambiguous activities and on landscapes. Bellow are some of the paintings that inspired me to focus on this theme. I hope to replicate some of the colors and styles used in these paintings and apply them to mine.

This painting is interesting because it is mostly a mixture of greens and yellows. It is a beautiful view of a European looking city. In the forefront there is an intricate looking building--perhaps a chapel--and in the back we see a long flowing canal.

I like this painting for its banality and overhead perspective. Again I am trying to grasp a way to paint in different perspectives and I believe this painting to be a kind of tutorial. When painting something like this I believe one should focus on the different components of the landscape and how they interact from the bird's eye view perspective.
This painting, done by the same person who did the one with the guy in the hat with coffee and the two bikers. I am fascinated  that just by focusing on a person and the floor that they stand on that I could make a story out of it. This lady is wearing sandals and seems to be waling on a boardwalk. The shadows around her imply that other people are around her. 
I have included this painting to my mark making collection because I find the lack of shadowing on the road to be interesting. 
Last week I tried painting something similar to this. This rocky sea shore was only part of the painting, though, and I did a terrible job painting it. This week I want to focus one painting entirely on the sea shore. I need to be able to blend rocks and water as shown above.
This painting is very simple and obscure but the blend in colors say all that it needs to say. I can tell by the orange brush strokes on the side of the rode that its fall and leaves are falling of the trees. I think the artist does an excellent job with the shadows on the road. 
This style of painting interests me more than the painting itself. I think that showing a bird's eye view perspective of people walking relates to the mundane, fast-pace life of humans. In this painting the man is in motion and seems to be holding a coffee. The only character in the painting is doing something that most of us do, therefore giving the painting a degree of relatability. 

The colors of this painting are extremely bold. Although we can tell that this painting is an overview shot of a landscape the colors are fictitious. This makes the painting interesting. I want to incorporate these unrealistic colors in my paintings of landscapes. 
Contrary to the painting above it, this is a more realistic painting of a landscape. I really like the lines made in this painting. They connect in a fluid way that makes the landscape come to life. 
I am scared of this painting. The amount of paint that this artist uses to create the 3D effect of this scene jumping out at you is something that I dream of being able to do. I want Hagit to show me how to do this. 

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