Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Visual Archive 11/3- 11/10

I am particularly interested in the bird eye view or the overhead perspective. I think this perspective introduces a certain ambiguity to the painting. Since I began painting overhead shots subject to pretty much anything--landscapes, people, architecture etc--I realized that I can express myself a lot more and create complex colors. My next project is to weather I am trying to replicate a photograph or paint from memory incorporate this bird eye view perspective. Below are some of the paintings and pictures that have inspired me to take on this project.

This picture is actually not taken in a birds eye view but is instead looking upwards. In my painting of this picture I take the main character in the picture and completely alter the background, thus creating a new story in my painting.

Warren Keating is an artist I found that does a lot of oil on canvas paintings in the overhead view that I wish to reproduce.

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