Thursday, October 29, 2015

Response to Chapter 12 and 13 in Ahmed thinking through skin 10/27- 11/2

In chapter Ahmed argues that "through the discursive construction of difference that emanates from the dominant culture, Black women and men continue to be placed as other: as Black others imprisoned by discourses of skin" (209) They are moreover seen as unequal and therefore received a lot of racism. I believe this chapter is powerful because it informs the dominant culture about the suffering an African American goes through because the color of their skin. In his next chapter, Ahmed attempts to find out whether robots have skin. He believes that "to ask whether robots have skin, then, is to ask about ‘our’ post-human nature and its embodiment as it is being re-imagined in technoscientific domains. The term ‘cyborg’, short for cybernetic" (223) The author goes on to talk about how AIs have sensors that have skin--like qualities and how a cyborg is half man half machine to elude to the fact that vision is a type of touch whose properties are found in non-natural humans. The second article on skin makes me interested in portraying what I believe resembles skin and its qualities in my paintings.

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